An avalanche of new game announcements hit at The Game Awards 2024, ranging from the returns of classic franchises (Okami, Turok, Virtua Fighter) to...
Jaque Silva | Nurphoto | Getty ImagesApple released updates for its iPhone, iPad and Mac software on Wednesday that include a long-awaited ChatGPT integration...
The United Kingdom's competition authority cleared Vodafone's £15 billion tie-up with telecom rival Three after the companies pledged to spend billions of pounds to...
There’s darkness around the edges of Infinity Nikki’s idyllic townscapes and romantic dresses, a traumatic scarring that’s left the pastoral fantasyland of Wishfield —...
Compared to previous seasonal skins, like Solid Snake, Geralt of Rivia, and Wolverine, Godzilla’s intimidating frame doesn’t quite transpose to a vaguely humanoid frame....